Losing weight is obviously a positive thing and while your thighs will look and feel much better for it, you may be concerned that you will lose the feminine curves that define you.

By: midwestnerd
Although it is natural that when you lose weight that the shape and size of your butt and legs will change, it doesn’t need to be the end of your feminine body.
With the right training you can lose weight while maintaining toned and firm curves in all the right places.
In the following article we will look particularly at 12 exercise moves that will help you get the firm and tight butt and lean legs that will turn heads and boost your confidence.
#1. Lunges
Although squats (also listed in this article) are a very good exercise for targeting your quads, lunges in their various forms are too.
The traditional forward lunge is always an effective and efficient exercise move to include in your regular workout routine.
Not only is it very effective, but it is also very simple and an easy exercise move to work on if it has been a while since you did any form of exercise.
#2. Reverse Lunges
Following on from the traditional forward lunge, the reverse variation is also a great move to incorporate into your workout because it gives your legs a complete workout.
Instead of lunging forward, step back and lunge downwards if you are kneeling. Hold your knee up from the floor for a second or two before pushing through your left to stand up again.
It can be very effective to use this movement in conjunction with the forward lunge, to add a little variety.
#3. Squats
Many people consider squats to be the king of all quad exercises, and it’s not hard to see why. They are very easy to complete, while targeting all the muscles you need to have great looking legs.
However, as easy exercises as squats are to complete, many people make mistakes because they do not execute them properly, which not only affects their effectiveness, but could cause an injury.
Therefore, in order to execute traditional squats properly, you should stand with your feet shoulder width apart and with your hips back so that your weight is supported by your heels.
Carefully lower yourself down, bending your knees until your butt touches your ankles and stand back up by pushing your weight down through your feet to the ground.
#4. Sumo Squats
This particular variation on traditional squats is ideal for working your hamstrings and glutes in particular.
Start from the same starting position as ordinary squats, and then widen your stance by about 12 inches at either side.
Remember to make sure your feet are facing outwards at 45 degree angles and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel with the ground. When you do this exercise properly you will feel tension in your glutes and hamstrings.
#5. Glute Bridges
Glute bridges are great for targeting your hamstrings while working on your glutes and involves you lying on the floor.
Start by lying on your back with one of your legs bent at a 90 degree angle and the other flat. Raise your hips and loose leg off the ground while pushing down on the floor with the bent leg.
Hold the finishing position for 2 to 3 seconds before lowering yourself back down to the floor. Complete whatever your desired amount of reps on one leg before switching legs.
Lean Legs and Tight Butt Workout Video
#6. Russian Leg Curls
Another lying down exercise, that this time targets the hamstring and is in fact one of the best hamstring exercises you can do.
Lie down flat on your back with your feet in front of you and then lift your hips up, pulling your feet towards your body, in a similar way you would if you were curling your legs.
#7. Simple Kettlebell Swings
If you have access to kettlebells or have considered purchasing some, then the next couple of exercise movements will interest you.
It should be noted that you can use kettlebells for these, or if you only have access to dumbbells, the moves will be just as effective. Kettlebell swings are one of the best hip hinge movements that work the posterior muscle chain from your lower back through to your glutes, hamstrings and your hamstrings.
Begin standing up with your legs a little wider than shoulder apart and place a kettlebell between your legs.
Grab on to the kettlebell with both hands while bending forward with your back straight and your hips back and imagine closing your car door using your butt.
Once you are in that position, swing the kettlebell forward by pushing your hips forward and then drop back to the original position. Remember to control the kettlebell throughout the exercise.
#8. Kettlebell Swings – Goblet Variation
Hold a kettlebell at chest height with both your hands and then squat down, ensuring that your feet are both turned out at 45 degree angles.
Finish by standing upright again. This is a great movement that emphasizes and focuses on the back of your legs more than traditional squats.
#9. Single Deadlift Using a Kettlebell
You can use either a kettlebell or dumbbell for this exercise. Hold the kettlebell or dumbbell in your right hand and lift your right leg off the floor a little.
Using your hips as a hinge to lean forward and lower the kettlebell/dumbbell to the floor. Move your right leg backwards during the exercise as a counterbalance to give a sort of pendulum.
#10. Resistance Band/Barbell Hip Thrusts
This is one of the moves you need to perfect and use as part of your regular workout if you want to get the ultimate beach booty.
Sit on a bench with your shoulders raised and perform a traditional glute bridge for greater movement and use either a padded barbell or resistance band strapped to the floor. This can be used to contract your glutes.
#11. Leg Presses
For this exercise you need to use a leg press machine. This is a challenging version of squat leg presses that will focus on your thighs and give them the workout they deserve.
Sit in the seat with your legs bent holding up the weight. Push the weight forward and then lower it again slowly.
Hopefully this article has helped you to see that it is possible to shed those excess pounds without losing the curves that make you who you are.
By incorporating the right selection of exercises, such as the ones above, that target your butt and leg muscles, you can get that beach body you dream of.
If you have any exercises/movements you use in your workouts that you have found effective, please feel free to tell us about them in the comments section. Also let us know if you have tried any of the above and how you found them.
If you would like more advice or information, please also be sure to use the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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