If you’ve decided it’s time to lose weight or if you’re in the process of losing weight, you know how negative thoughts can influence your attitude.
Even if you started strong and you’re usually enthusiastic about your weight loss, moments of negativity can still slip in, leaving you feeling defeated and listless.
And while most people might not think that little moments of negativity are bad, when they become overwhelming, they can serious hinder your weight loss goals.
Thankfully, there are several ways you can overcome negative thoughts about your weight loss.
By following the tips below, you can rise above the negativity and get back to losing weight and getting healthier.
1. Pump Yourself Up
Before you have a negative thought, you can be working to prevent ever having one. Every morning, take a few moments to give yourself a pep talk.
Tell yourself how great you are and spend time flattering yourself. It may seem a bit foolish, but by pumping yourself up, you’re putting your mind in a positive place.
And thought has so much power over your body and attitude. So, start the day by feeding your mind some positivity and your whole attitude might be lifted throughout the day.
2. Focus on Your Accomplishments
When negativity starts to get you down, it can be so easy to focus on all the bad around you. It is even easier to see the bad in yourself, especially when you’re trying to lose weight.
Instead of letting that negativity take over your thoughts, take some time to think about what you’ve already accomplished. If you want, you can even write out a list of the things you’ve done recently that were a challenge for you.
And they don’t even have to be huge accomplishments. When trying to lose weight, saying no to a donut or not buying a pint of ice cream is just as big an accomplishment as running a 5k.
3. Ask for Support
This can be hard, especially if you’ve been struggling with negativity for a while. However, if you can’t seem to pull yourself up, ask for help.
If you have a friend who knows about your goals, let them know you’re feeling disappointed. If you have someone who is a health role model for you, ask them if they’ve ever struggled like you.
Some people don’t have any family or friends to give them a boost of positivity when they’re feeling down, but that doesn’t mean they’re alone.
There are hundreds of support groups online where people who are trying to reach their health goals can go, vent, and find support.
If you’re not big on sharing your feelings, maybe one of the more anonymous groups is a better option.
4. Look for a Solution
If there is something specific about your weight loss that is causing you to have negative thoughts, turn your energy to finding a solution to that problem.
For example, if you feel you’re not getting to the gym enough to get the results you want, find another alternative.
There are thousands of free workout videos online that can be used at home so that even if you can’t get to the gym, you can still break a sweat.
Not all issues are as easy to solve, but by focusing your attention on the solution instead of the problem, you can change your frame of thinking.
5. Set Small Goals
Sometimes the thing that seems most disappointing about weight loss is that it takes so long.
Even if you work out every day and eat healthily, sometimes it will take months before you see the results. This can cause quite a bit of negativity.
If you’re struggling to stay positive about your long-term goals, set a few smaller ones. You can set monthly, weekly, or even daily goals.
As you accomplish these smaller goals, you’ll feel more confident and more positive about your weight loss.
6. Work Out
Sometimes negativity stems from being fed up. It may not be one specific thing, but several that are just making you upset.
Instead of wallowing, harness this angst and use it. Go running or go attack a punching bag. It’s the perfect opportunity to let out your negativity and help with your weight loss.
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