If you are looking for a good nighttime appetite suppressant that really works, then you are in luck. By the time you finish reading this article, you learn about the best evening appetite suppressant.
We will also tell you other appetite suppressant pills that are good for nighttime and other things you can do to curb appetite at night.
Many people who are hoping to lose weight find it amazing that once dinner is over and everything quiets down that this is the time when the worst hunger pangs kick in, urging you to reach into the cupboard for that hidden bag of cookies, or into the fridge for that pint of ice cream.
Many a good diet has been derailed by those run away hunger pangs that hit at nighttime.
This has sent many people searching for effective appetite suppressants.
The problem is, most of the the appetite suppressants on the market are not suitable for night time. Why? Because they contain stimulants such as caffeine.
These stimulants cause sleeplessness, which in turn leads to low energy and hunger the next day. Two things that can derail your weight loss efforts.
So the best nighttime appetite suppressant should not only help curb hunger and food cravings, but also should not contain any thing that will negatively affect your sleep.
What is the Best Nighttime Appetite Suppressant Pill
The #1 nighttime appetite suppressant at the moment is Phen24. This is a diet supplement that fights weight loss from multiple angles.
The interesting thing about Phen24 has two powerful formulas ( for day time and night time).
The day time formula contains ingredients that boost metabolism, burns calories and increases your energy level.
The night formula on the other hand helps to increase metabolism, reduces night cravings and help you sleep better.
It is able to improve sleep quality because, not only is it stimulant free, but it also contains ingredients that promote better sleep.
Click here to read our full Phen24 Review or order it on the official website.
Other Good Nighttime Appetite Suppressants
Another quality evening appetite suppressant is Glucomannan Plus. This diet supplement helps to decrease your appetite and help you feel full for longer period after dinner.
Thus it will help prevent night binging and enable you to lose weight without your stomach feeling empty.
Another one is Unique Hoodia – an appetite suppressant that can help reduce those nighttime hunger pangs from attacking.
We recommend these two appetite suppressants because they are 100% natural and do not contain caffeine, So, they are quite suitable for bed time as they will not negatively affect your sleep.
There are also a few tricks you can use as well to keep that hunger under control and below are some of them.
Nighttime Appetite Suppressing Tricks and Treats
Set up a Regular Bedtime Routine
Studies show that when you don’t get enough restful sleep a hormone manufactured by your stomach called Ghrelin increases. This hormone is the one that signals your brain that you are hungry. So when Ghrelin levels increase, so do the hunger pangs.
In addition, studies also show that not getting enough restful sleep can cause another hormone made by your fat cells called Leptin to decrease.
Since Leptin is the hormone that signals your brain that your body is sated, a decrease in this hormone also signals the brain that more food is needed. This is definitely a bad combination for someone who is trying to lose weight.
Try and go to bed within 3 hours of eating your last meal of the day to get the rest you need to help keep these hormones in check.
Drink more Water After Dinner
If you start drinking water shortly after you have finished your last meal of the day, and drink a glass every hour or two until you are ready for bed, you will continue to feel fuller throughout the evening and be less likely to be struck by those demanding hunger pangs.
In addition, if you have taken an effective appetite suppressant supplement before your last meal, drinking additional water may prolong the effects of that supplement.
Choose the Right Snacks
There is nothing wrong with enjoying a nighttime snack to help keep those hunger pangs at bay.
Try a big bowl of air popped popcorn, or a medium size banana and a glass of warm milk or even a nice large cup of organic chicken broth.
All of these snacks are low in calories and have the ability to help you feel full if eaten slowly, giving your stomach time to feel that “full” feeling.
Brush Your Teeth Immediately After Dinner
Oftentimes hunger is as much psychological as it is physical. If that is the case, then brushing your teeth could well work to help suppress that night time cravings.
Brushing your teeth signals your mind that you are through eating for the night.
Not every trick will work for every person. However, when combined with the right supplement they will help in fighting those nighttime hunger pangs.
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