As the number of over-weight people continue to rise, a lot of people are asking, what is the best approach to weight loss? If you are one of them, then you are at the right place, read to find out the answer you are looking for!
There are rows and rows in the bookstore lined with dieting books, and literally thousands of websites and experts promising that their unique approach is the right one that will finally help you lose weight. Effortlessly! Without hunger! And no exercise!
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, though the advertising and gimmicks can seem like easy and attractive options. There’s only one problem.
Most of them don’t work. So, do you really want to know the best way to lose weight?
Are you prepared to stop cruising websites for the next quick fix, the next easy solution, the next only one thing that you have to stop eating and the weight will just fall off?
If yes, then let’s answer the question, what is the best approach to weight loss? The simple answer is:
Track. Measure. Eat less than you need to, and move your body more than you’re used to.
Track What You Eat
Let’s break that down a little bit. It’s common knowledge in business and marketing that what you track and measure is what will lead to results. This is where you’ll see change happen.
Track everything you consume. Your meals, your snacks, your drinks, your cheats, even your gum.
You can use a physical journal, or you can use one of various apps on your phone. Make sure to log everything accurately, so you can see where you need to make changes.
This goes alongside measuring your intake. Logging a soda isn’t specific enough. Did you have 12 ounces or 24? Was it regular soda, or diet?
These details can dramatically change your caloric input for the day. Some people are unfamiliar with measuring their food, so this step can be daunting.
Fortunately, it only adds a couple of seconds to your meal preparation. Try using one of the user-friendly food scales available online as they are the most accurate method.
You can also use online calculators, though these are based on averages and may not be as accurate, and is still a great second choice.
Eat Less Than You Need To
Eating less than you need to means eating enough to have energy for your daily activities and your workout, but a little less than your actual caloric needs.
Often, women will dramatically cut calories, thinking this will help them lose weight faster, and it can backfire in the form of stalled weight loss, fatigue, lack of motivation, and brain fog.
If you hit this point, increase your food a little. If you think you’re doing everything right and you’re still not losing weight, you can decrease your calories, a little. Small changes will bring big results.
It’s important to remember that dropping calories too low for too long can actually be dangerous to your health, so decrease slowly.
Move Your Body
When you think about moving your body more than you’re used to, you don’t have to join a gym and start lifting weights.
You absolutely can! But only if you enjoy it. You can go walking, join a dance or yoga class, or do home workouts guided by home workout dvds or apps.
There are many ways to get more physical activity in, and it doesn’t have to have any formal structure.
The Secret Sauce
You don’t really need to do anything extraordinary to lose weight – doing the little things mentioned above consistently will produce result! The magic ingredient is CONSISTENCY!
It would be lovely if excess weight would just fall off overnight, but it takes consistent mindfulness and consistent action to reach your goals.
Depending on how much weight you’re trying to lose, it may take weeks, or months, or even years, but your consistent effort will pay off.
There will be days that are harder, and there will be days that you will have too much food and too little activity. And that’s OK! That’s life. And it’s just one day on your journey.
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