Achieving your weight loss goal requires some discipline especially in regards to what you eat. It is really important that you eat healthy and avoid foods that have the tendency to make you add weight.
So in this article we are going to look at some of the worst foods for weight loss.
7 Worst Foods for Weight Loss To Avoid
1. Whole Fat Dairy – Go for skim or low fat dairy milk instead of the whole fat version. For starters, 8 fluid ounces of skim milk = 83 calories as opposed to the 149 calories in the whole fat milk.
Research shows that consuming whole fat dairy (this includes cheese, butter and whole fat milk) can cause a weight gain of about 0.10 pounds.
2. Potatoes – These can easily make you add weight – chips, fried, boiled, baked or mashed, they are not good for you if you are really looking to shed those unwanted pounds. 1 oz of flat cut potatoes chips has 150 oz, while 1 medium baked potato contains 161 calories.
3. White Foods (white rice, white pasta, white flour, white bread) – These are also referred to as refined grains, they are choked full of simple carbs and are devoid of any fibers. They are also heavy in calories and are among the worst foods to eat when you are trying to lose weight because they can make you pack on the pounds quickly.
4. Soda – This has been linked to the ever increasing number of obese people in our modern society. Sodas are very high in sugar/calories but zero in vital nutrients. 8 oz of soda contain about 90 – 150 calories depending on the brand and type.
So it is better to cut this out of your diet – drink water instead , you can flavor your water with a slice of lemon if you don’t like the bland taste of water. Not only does water aid in weight loss, it also helps to detoxify your body, making you healthier.
5. Sweets and Deserts – Yes we hear you! We know you love your deserts, but they are not helping your cause, so something must give. Don’t you think so? We know that it may be difficult to take deserts off your diet completely, so you can at least start by reducing the quantity you consume at a time and the number of days you eat them in a week.
6. Processed Meat – Processed meat such as bacon, hot dogs, deli etc. are not only bad for weight loss, they have also been found to be bad for your heart. They can lead to several diseases including heart disease and certain types of cancers.
7. Red Meat – Yes we know it is protein, but processed or unprocessed, red meat is not your friend if you are trying to lose weight and neither is it good for your general health. 8 oz of steak = 318 calories – that’s quite a lot. Go for poultry instead (skinless is always a better choice) or fish.
[Check Out: Top 10 Weight Loss Foods]
We know that letting go of your favorite foods and following a strict diet will not be easy, but you don’t have to get rid of all of them at once. You can start taking the baby steps from today by replacing one bad food with a healthier version.
Remember, weight loss is a journey and every step you take in this journey definitely takes you closer to your destination. The important thing is for you to not give up, even if you fall off the wagon, get up, brush off the dirt and keep moving, you will surely get to your weight loss goal if you don’t give up.
We will like to hear your story, which bad food are you finding most difficult to do without? Let us know via the comment section below.
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