We all know that diets come and go, so what are the best diets for 2016? That’ what we will be discussing in this article. So keep reading to find out!
Almost everything in the world these days revolves around your appearance, lifestyle, and the outward image you are willing to show to the world.
While this aspect of life might not be ideal, it has been making people consider their health, leading to a health revolution across the country.
It’s helping more and more people realize that if you want to change your life and lifestyle, you need to do it right, otherwise it may damage your body.
This is a list of some of the best diets for 2016 that can help you to lose weight in a healthy way, without starving yourself to death.
The Chrono Diet – One of the Best Diets for 2016
You have probably heard about this extremely popular diet that is currently spreading all around the world.
If you are a fan of breakfast, then this diet is absolutely perfect for you. It’s a well-known fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which is why Chrono Diet is simply amazing.
What is great about this diet is that it emphasizes that the most important thing is the time you eat, not the amount of food you eat.
It is also very important to mention that with this diet, you will never feel hungry because you will constantly be eating something.
These are The Chrono Diet “rules” and if you stick to them you will lose weight and stay healthy.
Breakfast: As you already know, this is the best meal of the day. In this diet, for breakfast you can eat whole-grains and any type of animal fat.
Your breakfast should be large and filling in order to give you the necessary energy. You can eat eggs, cheese, bread, ham, and butter.
By eating so heavily in the morning, you will notice that you are less hungry during the day.
Lunch: This is the time of the day where you cannot eat vegetables. Your meal should consist of protein, whether animal protein or otherwise.
You can also add eight tablespoons of starchy carbs, such as potatoes, or rice.
You can’t consume vegetables for lunch, because if you consume them during the day, you will not be able to get rid of your cellulite and it will not help you with the weight loss.
Snack: Since a snack is not a typical meal you shouldn’t eat too much. It should be a simple, light snack, such as fruit or 30-40 grams of dark chocolate. The point of the snack is simply to boost your energy.
Dinner: To bookend the day, dinner should be the lightest meal of the day. For dinner, you should eat low-fat meat, like chicken or fish.
You can combine the meat with about 8 tablespoons green vegetables. If you feel full from the previous meals, you can simply skip dinner.
When it comes to drinks, you should drink as much water as possible. This is the most important thing about the Chrono Diet.
If you get bored with plain water or want a little variety, you can mix water with lemon, orange, or grapefruit. These infusions are healthy and have almost 0 calorie.
The Eight Hour Diet – A Popular Diet in 2016
This is a diet everyone will be talking about in 2016. And for good reason. This diet is not a typical, where you have different limitations when it comes to your food consumption.
With the Eight Hour Diet, you can eat almost anything your heart desires. However, you must stick to one rule: You can eat as much as you want, but in 8 hours.
Of course, you are the one who decides between which eight hours you’ll allow yourself to eat.
If you’re a morning person, you might start your eight hours earlier. If you’re a night person, your eight hours could lead into the evening.
The only important thing with this diet is keep your eating strictly within those eight hours you choose.
Many people see this diet as life-changing, because with it you get to take the focus off of what you eat and put the focus on to when you eat.
The diet plan is really easy and, if you’ve struggled with diets and meal plans before, the Eight Hour Diet can definitely change your life.
Of course, it will also change your body and health in a positive way.
Another reason this diet plan is so beneficial is because you can decide how often, or how many days, you want to follow it.
Some people will choose to do it every single day, in order to boost their metabolism and lose weight as fast as possible.
On the other hand, there are people who cannot do it every single day, due to schedules or other life situations.
Even if you only do it three or four times a week, you will still experience amazing results.
In the Eight Hour Diet, your exercise routine is completely determined by your wants and needs.
It is enough to simply have a light 15-20 minute exercise in the morning and you will still reap the benefits of this diet plan. However, if possible, the more you can exercise, the better.
Even though this diet seems like a perfect and ideal program, some people still find it difficult because they feel hungry outside those eight hours.
This is why the best way to succeed with this diet is to clear out your house of any snacks or other foods that could tempt you outside of your eight hour window.
If you are home and you start feeling hungry, try to do something to distract yourself. Go out, watch a movie, read a book, do anything to keep your mind off food.
If you manage to stick with the schedule in this diet plan, you will see the results very soon.
The Chrono Diet and the Eight Hour Diet are two of the most popular diets of 2016. They are examples of the transformations of diets, as they don’t force you to starve yourself.
You will be able to enjoy and consume your favorite foods and, at the same time, lose weight in a healthy manner.
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