Did you know that you can change eating habits to lose weight? Let’s face it, how much food you consume daily surely do affect your body weight.
It is unfortunate that a lot of people do not take this simple fact into consideration. Little wonder there are so many overweight and obese individuals in our society today.
The number of obese people has continued to increase in the recent times at an alarming rate.
This is quite scary knowing full well that a lot of very serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer have been linked to obesity.
So, in order to checkmate this growing health problem of obesity, we really need to start paying attention to what and how we eat.
Below are two bad eating habits you can change today that will benefit your weight loss efforts.
Eating Too Fast is One of the Bad Eating Habit You Need to Change
Studies show that about 1/4 of Americans eat their food too fast. This is really bad for you, because eating your food too fast could make you eat more than your body really need.
The digestion process takes time and if you keep eating at a rate that your body cannot keep up with, you are more likely to consume way too many calories than you actually need before your body can get that feeling of fullness that will make you stop eating.
The excess calories are then stored as fat in your body, leading to weight gain.
On the other hand, by eating slowly, you will give your body the opportunity to keep up and signal to you that you have had enough. And thereby preventing you from consuming more than what your really need.
So take time to eat your food, after gulping down a couple of morsels, put your fork down and enjoy the eating process.
Chewing your food properly before swallowing has also been found to help speed up digestion. Eating time should be fun time and not a “sprint” competition.
The ‘Clean-Plate Mentality’
Another eating habit that may be jeopardizing your weight loss efforts is the “lean-plate mentality.
A lot of people have the mindset to always eat until the plate is empty or “clean”, without minding how much food is on the plate or if they are hungry or not.
It is true that some people do this because they do no want to waste food.
But, consuming all the food on your plate all the time could mean eating more than your body needs. And this could lead to packing on more unwanted pounds.
Using smaller plates is the solution, if you want to be part of the “clean plate club”, but don’t want the associated problem of over-eating.
Controlling Your Hunger and Cravings
Truth be told, a lot of people have weight problems today because they cannot control hunger.
This is the one of the main reasons most people jump from one diet program to another without success. And most diet programs tell you, “eat this and don’t eat that”.
That may sound cool and easy, but a lot of people cannot keep up with such restrictive programs. Why? Because they are always hungry or are craving food all the time.
So, “how can I curb those hunger pangs and incessant food cravings“, you may be asking.
You should endeavor to eat only when you are really hungry. You should also eat more of fiber-rich foods and other foods that help to suppress appetite.
Ensure that you drink a lot of water throughout the day to keep you hydrated.
This is very important because most often we think we are hungry and start looking for food to curb the hunger, without knowing that it is just thirst knocking on the door.
If you quench that thirst, you may be surprised to find out that you really do not need any food.
If you need more help in controlling your hunger, you can opt for an appetite suppressant pill like PhenQ.
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