Does Garcinia Pure by Evolution Slimming work? Is it worth your money? These are the questions we will be answering in this independent review, so read on to find out.
Since Garcinia Cambogia was featured on Dr. OZ show as an effective weight loss aid, there has been an increase in demand for diet pills that contain this ingredient.
The increase in demand has led to the influx of so many different Garcinia Cambogia products on the market, making it difficult to sift the good from the bad.
There are a lot of cheap Garcinia Cambogia supplements out there on the market today.
Unfortunately, the majority of them do not contain enough Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) required for effective weight loss.
There are also a lot of Free Trial Garcinia Cambogia products that are scamming unsuspecting customers and taking their money instead of helping them lose weight.
So, what about Garcia Pure by Evolution Slimming – is it a scam or the REAL DEAL?
The Benefits of Garcinia Pure
- 100% Natural (No chemicals, artificial preservatives or dyes)
- 1 Capsule contains 1000 mg Garcinia Cambogia
- 60% HCA (the recommended amount for significant weight loss)
- Manufactured in UK in FDA and MHRA approved facilities
- Comes with free 7 day diet plan
- Can be used by vegetarians and vegans
- Positive customer reviews/testimonials
- No auto ship
Click Here To Order Garcinia Pure By Evolution Slimming
How Does Garcinia Pure Work?
As stated above, each capsule of Garcinia Pure contains contains 1000 mg Garcinia Cambogia with 60% HCA – the active weight loss component.
Studies show that HCA may help to reduce metabolism of carbohydrates, and prevents the conversion of carbs into fat. It also helps to suppress appetite so you feel less hungry and eat less throughout the day.
Other things that HCA can do to aid weight loss include:
It lowers cortisol level (the stress hormones), promotes healthy metabolism of fat, helps to boost the growth of lean muscle, helps to control blood sugar spikes and regulates cholesterol levels.
What are the Side Effects?
There are no major side effects, and is quite safe under the correct dosage.
However, we advise that you don’t take this supplement or any other supplement for that matter if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
As with other diet supplements, people on medication or have any underlying health problems should seek medical advice before taking this supplement.
How to Take Garcinia Pure
Take 1 capsule 3 times a day with water.
Where to Buy Garcinia Pure
You can buy this supplement from the Evolution Slimming Website. 1 bottle (a month’s supply) costs $60, but you can get it even cheaper by purchasing the bigger packages, you can buy 2 bottles for $105 or 3 bottles for $151.
Evolution Slimming offer fast and discreet delivery and they ship worldwide.
We recommend Garcinia Pure because it is effective – it can help you achieve significant weight loss especially when combined with healthy diet and exercise. Best of all, NO free trial Scam and NO auto-ship!
If you are looking for an all natural diet supplement that really works, then you should give Garcinia Pure a try!
How can I order this product. I live in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Hi Nerina,
Click on one of the links to the official website and place your order online. It is as easy as that.
I live in joburg , except website how can one manage to order the product
Hi Prudence,
Unfortunately you can only buy it online through their official website.
These 2 products( Garcinia Cleanse and Bio Slim) appear to be based on a scam purchase= Having applied for the trial offer we were unable to use the products for health reasons and obtained an RMA and return address details in Larnaca Cyprus. the English contact appearing to be in Nottingham. (telephone numbers are available). The free trial products were charged on 2 accounts Natural Web and ArtHealth, but had to be returned to a company called Phenom Health (Cyprus). Meanwhile on my bank statement £69.71 had been removed and I immediately put both accounts on hold. Having returned the products, on the 7th June as at yet I have had no confirmation of Airmail receipt, and further action now appears to be necessary.