Are you looking for otc appetite suppressants that work? We are going to reveal some of the best over the counter appetite suppressants that really work.
But before we go into that, let’s take a look at what an appetite suppressant really is and how it works to help you lose weight
What Is An Appetite Suppressant?
An appetite suppressant is a type of weight loss supplement that helps to curb your food cravings. It helps to reduce your calorie intake, which eventually leads to successful weight loss.
Some of them work by giving you the feeling of fullness, so that you do not have the urge to go for that snack in between meals.
Others work by increasing the serotonin levels in your brain – this hormone is also called the “feel good hormone” because it controls the mood.
Serotonin is also responsible for controlling appetite. It tricks your brain to believe that your stomach if full, thereby helping to curb unnecessary food cravings.
Truth be told, a lot of people find it difficult to stick to their weight loss plan just because of over-active appetite.
If that is the case for you and you find out that you hardly can resist the temptation to go for that cookie, then a quality appetite suppressant could be what you need to stay focused on your weight loss goals.
Prescription Versus OTC Appetite Suppressants
One of the most popular prescription appetite suppressors is phentermine. This is mainly prescribed for obese individuals whose Body Mass index (BMI) is over 30.
It could also be prescribed for people with below 30, but over 27, who have high risk of serious diseases if they do not lose the excess weight.
This medication is meant to be used for a short period of time, may be a few weeks. Phentermine may be effective for weight control. But it could also have some ugly side effects in some users and may also be addictive.
So, if you are using this appetite suppressant, make sure that you are being closely monitored by a doctor.
There are also several over the counter appetite suppressants that can help curb your appetite. And most often they do not have the type of negative side effects associated with their prescription counterparts.
OTC Appetite Suppressants that Work!
#1. PhenQ – Strongest Over the Counter Appetite Suppressant
If you are looking for a natural alternative to Phentermine, then PhenQ is it!
Not only does PhenQ help to reduce your appetite, it is also an all encompassing weight loss pill.
- Decreases your appetite, so you consume fewer calories
- It is a fat binder (prevents your body from absorbing the fats in the food you eat)
- Improves your overall metabolism
- Boosts your energy levels. More energy means that you will be able to remain active for a longer period of time, which will help you burn more calories.
Click Here to Read Full PhenQ Review
#2. Garcinia Pure – Safe Effective Appetite Suppressant
Garcinia Pure is made with 100% pure Garcinia Cambogia with 60% HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid ).
By increasing the levels of serotonin in the body, HCA works to make you feel more satiated and suppresses the need to eat for emotional reasons.
This mood enhancement ability plays a significant part in the effectiveness of Garcinia Cambogia. This is because overweight people can often have emotional issues related to food consumption.
Garcinia Pure works extremely well as a nutritional supplement to encourage weight loss through the suppression of the appetite.
However, the very best results are obtained when you use it in conjunction with a healthy diet and moderate exercise.
Click Here to Read Full Garcinia Pure Review
#3.Phen24 – One of the Best Nighttime OTC Appetite Suppressants that Work
This is another Phen alternative diet supplement. The interesting thing about this supplement is that you can actually take it at night. It really is a 24 hr working dietary supplement!
This is because it is a combo of day and night formulas. The day pill helps you burn fat, while the night one curbs your appetite during the night and helps you sleep better. Not only does it NOT contain any stimulants, but it contains ingredients that aid sleep.
Click Here to Read Full Phen24 Review
#4. Glucomannan Plus – Best Over the Counter Appetite Suppressant Pills for Diabetics
Glucomannan also known as Konjac extract is the active active ingredient in Glucomannan Plus.
The benefits of Glucomannan in aiding weight loss cannot be over-emphasized. It has rightly been ascribed the moniker, “nature’s skinny sponge”. This is because it absorbs water to make you feel fuller.
One interesting thing about Glucomannan Plus is that it can be used by virtually everyone. This includes diabetics and children over 5 years old.
It is a perfect appetite suppressant supplement for those with diabetes. This is because, not only does it help to suppress their appetite and food cravings, but also helps to balance blood sugar levels.
Click Here to Read Full Glucomannan Plus Review
You don’t really need a prescription appetite suppressant pill to get results. If you are looking for otc appetite suppressants that work, then one of the supplements above will surely meet your needs.
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