Knowing the best carbs to eat for weight loss can help you choose the right carbohydrates that will help you shed those unwanted pounds.
Carbs are not the devil. It’s easy to lump an entire macronutrient into being the cause of all your weight woes, but it just isn’t the case.
Carbohydrates are essential for proper hormone function, including regulation of the thyroid, which needs to be in peak condition if you’re trying to lose weight.
Plus, carbohydrates fuel the production of serotonin, which you need to get proper sleep.
Carbs are satisfying to our taste buds, and can help feed the good bacteria in our guts.
But You Have to Pick the Right Kinds of Carbs to Eat for Weight Loss
A box of twinkies isn’t going to help you. We tend to crave the junkier, insulin spiking, fat storing kinds of carbs.
And we often justify giving in to those cravings with irrational ideas that sabotage our weight loss goals. A little treat here and there is fine, but the pizza and ice cream nights are still not a good idea.
The best carbs to eat for your weight loss journey are whole foods (complex Carbs) that are full of nutrients. They take more time to digest and make you feel full longer.
Sweet potatoes are at the absolute top of the list. They are slower to digest than white potatoes, and have a much greater list of vitamins and minerals to support fat loss and muscle growth.
It helps that they’re delicious. In moderation and as part of a varied diet (aka, eat ONE sweet potato, not FOUR…) sweet potatoes will help you meet your weight loss goals while keeping you satisfied and warding off cravings.
Squashes are next on the list. These incredibly versatile vegetables can be part of any meal. They are low in sugar while being higher in starch and vitamins.
Since there are such a variety to choose from with different flavors and textures, they can easily replace any sugar spiking elements in your meals.
Spaghetti squash is perfect to replace actual pasta, butternut squash can replace white potatoes, and acorn squash is great roasted all by itself.
Steel cut oats are a better choice than the instant type, and are a good, stable source of energy.
Choosing breads that are sprouted from whole grains will be better for your weight loss than things like white bread, and the same goes for pasta.
Avoiding wheat is something you can experiment with. This is because most high-wheat and refined-wheat products can have you riding the sugar high-sugar crash roller coaster. And that’s detrimental to any weight loss goals.
Check Your Protein Shakes
Some people choose protein shakes as a meal replacement option, or to support their goals in the gym. Some protein powders use a lot of sugar or sugar-substitutes to make their shakes more tasty and dessert-like.
Flavor and texture have to be pleasing, but often these ingredients are exactly what’s holding you back.
Look for shakes that are less-sweet, or use natural low-calories sweeteners like stevia or erythritol.
Artificial sweeteners can cause the same kinds of energy roller-coaster that sugar can, so be mindful of your choices.
Sugar and Refined Grains are NOT the Best Carbs to Eat for Weight Loss
Easily absorbed carbohydrates (simple carbs) are the ones you want to avoid. Sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and refined grains are among the foods that increase hunger and hold you back from your weight loss goals.
They spike your insulin, and insulin tends to make us GAIN fat instead of losing it. Candies, cookies, and mocha frappes should be very rare treats.
You can make these things at home yourself with better ingredients if you want them more often. You can avoid the sugar high while still satisfying your cravings. Thus, supporting yourself on your way to your ideal body shape.
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